Affordable Housing Alliance

News and Updates

AHA The Affordable Housing Alliance Quarterly Newsletter

Stay up–to–date with the latest news from the AHA, including information on our latest partnerships, project completions, and workshops. With each day and each project, we move one step closer to our mission. To receive breaking news as well as the AHA’s monthly eNewsletter right to your inbox, sign up here!

Affordable Housing Opportunities Bulletin

The AHA is not accepting housing applications at this time. If you would like to receive e-mail notifications regarding housing opportunities and resources, using the link below, select ‘Please add me to a list to be notified of future locations’ when prompted on the intake.

In addition to the notifications, you will also receive a list of resources via e-mail upon completion of the form to assist with your housing search.

Click HERE to complete an intake to be notified of housing opportunities!

Click HERE to see latest Affordable Housing Opportunities Bulletin

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